Project details

2024 - 2026

11 international partners

1 Million

International Project

Multigination – Multiplicative imagination of citizens and stakeholders towards the 15 minutes City

The project empowers stakeholders to reimagine and reshape public spaces, driving sustainable urban interventions. Key elements include:

  • Inclusive process: engages experts, citizens, private companies, researchers, NGOs, and city authorities in a bottom-up approach, embedding the 15-minute city (15mC) goals.
  • Comprehensive approach: covers visualization, evaluation, funding, and execution, aiming for easy transferability and scalability.
  • Co-design in Living Labs: basic and advanced services are co-designed and strategically localized through a participatory process, utilizing an open-access visualization tool for built and non-built environments, a marketplace of innovative solutions, and a crowdfunding platform.
  • City-led implementation: cities select interventions considering “participatory urbanism” and relevant constraints such as zero emission goals, laws, stakeholder interests, ownership rights, etc.
  • Replicable movement: fosters continuous improvement of the urban landscape by encouraging the multiplicative involvement of all actors.

Goals of the project

  • Experiment and test the 15mC concept by combining participatory design, open innovation, an interactive urban platform, and participatory financing models to reduce time to market and increase market uptake.
  • Create theoretical and practical databases through analysis of multiple use-cases and successful urban interventions in pilot cities.
  • Demonstrate the 15mC concept in two pilot areas: Winterthur (Switzerland) and Başakşehir (Turkey), with the engagement of six follower cities and regional research centers, using co-design and bottom-up innovation principles tailored to various city contexts.
  • Foster inter- and trans-disciplinary collaboration and continuous knowledge exchange through the Living Lab methodology and multi-stakeholder engagement.
  • Contribute to climate goals by facilitating rapid implementation and local adaptation of the 15mC concept, improving energy efficiency and urban air quality.
  • Encourage citizen participation through entrepreneurial opportunities, citizen science, and social innovation.


Software for urban co-creation


Test it right now!

Marketplace and voting system

In progress

Crowdfunding and blended finance

In progress

Urban analysis and use-cases

In progress

Capacity-building programme

In progress


City of Winterthur, ZHAW INE – Research group Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Mobility, Open Urbanism Foundation, Drees & Sommer Schweiz AG, Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd, Başakşehir Municipality, European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Comune di Bergamo, Ayuntamiento de Pamplona, Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek Nv (VITO), Coventry University Fab Lab Coventry

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